100 Days: Promises Made, Promises Kept?

The First One Hundred Days: Promises Made, Promises Kept?
April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 7:00-8:15 pm

Because of the importance of an individual’s religious/spiritual choices in developing his or her values, faith communities can contribute to the development of a more just, humane, and ecologically responsible society. This central organizing principle of the Akron Area Interfaith Council (AAIC) underlies it social justice work in our community. In that spirit, AAIC announces a public discussion series, examining new national policy initiatives in five issue areas identified by the Biden Administration in setting its initial agenda: immigration, healthcare access, racial justice, climate change, and economic justice. We hope to contribute opportunity for education and conversation around new national level policies and on the impact of these changes on the Akron metro region.

These free, virtual gatherings will be held on five successive Tuesday evenings, running April 6-May 4, from 7-8 PM. Moderated by local media personality M.L. Schultze, each evening will feature a presentation on the subject, with two responses out of the Akron Area faith community, followed by a question/answer period for attendees. Please join us for the following evenings:

April 6: Immigration Justice
Dr. Steven Volk, Emeritus Professor of History/Latin American Studies, Oberlin College
Dr. Khalid Madhi, Islamic Society of Akron and Kent
Sr. Juliana Beck, OSU, Catholic Worker Community of Akron

April 13: Healthcare Access
Dr. Kristin Kranz, Metro Health Hospital
Yvonka Marie Hall, Executive Director, NE Ohio Black Health Coalition, Christian

April 20: Racial Justice
Judi Hill, Executive Director, NAACP Akron
Rev. Dr. Joyce Penfield, Episcopal Priest
Pastor David Nelson, New Hope Baptist Church

April 27: Climate Change
William S. Jordan, Retired Associate Dean and Professor, Akron Law School
Sr. Marguerite Chandler, Former Director, Crown Point Ecology Center
Bhakta Rizal, Founder, Shanti Farms

May 4: Economic Justice
Brant T. Lee, Professor of Law, University of Akron School of Law,
Assistant Dean of Diversity and Social Justice Initiatives
Rabbi Joshua Brown, Temple Israel
Rev. Michael Howard, Living Waters United Church of Christ

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